+968 22377778 info@blindspotisd.com
Code of Ethics - Business Practices

Business Practices

Company Resources

At BlindSpot company resources, including time, material, equipment and information, are provided for company business use. Employees shall not use company equipment such as computers, copiers and fax machines in the conduct of an outside business or other outside activity. We will not solicit contributions nor distribute non-work related materials during work hours.


At BlindSpot all employees are to be truthful and straightforward in dealings and not intentionally mislead colleagues, customers or suppliers. Use appropriate, professional language, both in written documents and public conversations.

Email & Internet

E-mail and Internet systems are provided for business use. When using E-mail, one should remember that it is susceptible to interception, creates a permanent record and can be printed or forwarded to others by the recipient. Never use Internet connection or computer equipment to access, transmit or download content that is inappropriate and does not meet business requirements.

Confidential Information

Confidential information encompasses information produced by BlindSpot or obtained in confidence from a third party and covered by a non-disclosure agreement.

BlindSpot employees shall not acquire or seek to acquire competitor’s trade secrets or other proprietary or confidential information. Employees shall not engage in unauthorised use, copying, distribution or alteration of software or other intellectual property.

Employee shall not divulge confidential information to anyone other than the person or persons for whom it is intended, unless authorised or legally required to do so. This includes confidential information with respect to BlindSpot or nonpublic information provided by suppliers and customers.

Employees agree to maintain such confidentiality at all times with respect to BlindSpot, its securities, business operations, plans, financial condition, results of operations or any development plan. Employees shall be particularly vigilant when making presentations or proposals to customers to ensure that our presentations do not contain material nonpublic information.

Alcohol & Drugs

BlindSpot employees are prohibited from working under the influence of any substance that could impair judgment or interfere with the effective and responsible performance of company duties.

Conflicts of Interest

Avoid conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived, in the performance of our duties. A conflict of interest is considered to be any situation or arrangement where our personal activities or interests conflict with our responsibilities to BlindSpot.

We should be careful not to put ourself in a position where there is or could be an obligation to any third party who might benefit from such situation at the expense of BlindSpot. Our actions must never lead to personal gain to the detriment of BlindSpot’s stated business interests.

Illegal Payments

BlindSpot employees, suppliers, partners and other third parties are strictly prohibited from offering or taking any form of illegal or improper payment. BlindSpot funds and assets must never be used for any unlawful purpose.

Our employees, must never approve, authorize or make any payment, gift or favour to any person in a position of authority, such as a government or corporate official, in order to obtain favourable treatment in negotiations or the awarding of contracts, or any other dealings.

Anti-Corruption Laws

BlindSpot complies with Anti-Corruption law of Oman (and its amendments).

BlindSpot employees, suppliers, partners and other third parties (such as agents) must never make or approve an illegal payment to anyone, under any circumstances.

Political Activity

BlindSpot employees, subject to applicable Omani laws, may engage in legitimate political activity. This is one’s personal concern and should be carried out at employee’s own time and without using BlindSpot property. Employee may seek election or other political office, but it must be notified to the management and discuss the impact of such involvement may have on his/her duties at BlindSpot. It is cleared that, the political views expressed by the employee in public are not those of BlindSpot.

BlindSpot and its employees abide by all Omani laws and regulations governing political contributions.

Relationship with Suppliers

BlindSpot employees are to be honest and fair in all business interactions with suppliers, which include contractors, consultants and other agents. BlindSpot’s success depends on the good relationship with our suppliers.

The choice of suppliers must be based on the evaluation of the quality of products and services received and their standard of ethical behaviour. Our suppliers must be made aware of and abide by our Code of Conduct. BlindSpot will not knowingly use suppliers who operate in violation of applicable laws or regulations, including local environmental, employment and safety laws.


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+968 22377778
Fax: +968 22063763
Email: info@blindspotisd.com

Sunday - Thursday:
9am - 5pm
Friday & Saturday:


Office No. 52, 5th Floor, Building No.104, opposite to Ataibha Health Center,
18th November Street, Athaiba, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman